Is is just my life? or is yours this way as well?
It seems that the staff of the culture hub has taken a hiatus amidst the hubris of our collective existance. In layman's terms: manure occurs and none of the contributors here have had the wherewithall to produce a post for the past 135.31 days (approximately). *adjustes glases*
I have it on good authority that Penelope has taken to dating (rather heavily) a gentleman and is preoccupied in other matters as well. Our other erstwile contributor has yet to post a report (HINT, HINT), and alas, I have been up to my ears on an obscure bbs, as well as in quasi nerd fashion, posting a profile on an online dating service, which has in the most part been a sadly amusing expense of time.
It seems that of the millions of people who sign up for these on-line dating services, nearly everyone is "looking for someone with a great sence of humer who likes to have fun" (sic), yet looking at their profiles, I notice some common traits:most of them seem to have the IQ of Joe Frasier after 6 losing rounds. From my very unscientific and random observations, other than the irreconcilable 'interests' some show on their profiles (do many men really like "crafts", or women "NASCAR"?) men tend to like to stay at home and watch 'the game', while most women want to go out dancing and dining (at someone elses expence, of course) Good grief! I wonder if most would recognize a good sense of humor if it bit them?
Many of the 'potential matches' I've been sent have made me cringe with the spelling, grammatical, and grotesque punctuation errors. People who,for instance,think that punctuation is the equivilant of:a space. Ppl hu think theyR typin in chat. lol, there are people who never capitlize, as well as PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS.. *sigh* Perhaps I'm just disappointed that I have yet to find someone about my age who thinks a nice evening would be tweaking linux drivers for a laptop, or researching the relevance rates of search engines as a function of response time and total number of possibilities returned. Perhaps I'm just a bit too odd for the mainstream dating market.
My questions for those who might swing by here from time to time, are:
How busy, really, has your life been of late?
Have you used an on-line dating service? and how relevant did you find those it proposed as matches?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Leave a comment, por favore!
Nerdily yours,